Ordering documents on our website is very easy. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we have prepared this simple step-by-step instruction.
First of all, you need to select the company for which you want to find information.
You can perform the search using the search field at the top of the website or on a special page.
If you cannot find the company you need, simply enter its name on this page and select the necessary documents.
On the company page, you need to select the documents you require. Simply click the «Add to Cart» button next to the document you are interested in.
Not sure if you need that specific document? On this page, you can view examples of documents and descriptions of our services.
After selecting the document, the «Add to Cart» button will change to «Remove from Cart» By clicking on it again, you can remove the document from the cart.
You can add documents from different companies to your cart and order them together. After selecting the documents, click on the cart icon at the top of the page to view your order.
On the Cart page, you can view the list of documents you have selected for ordering. You can remove some documents and return to this page when you add other documents.
Once you have added everything you need, proceed to the next step, where you will be required to enter your details.
At this stage, you will need to enter your information.
If you don't have an account on our website yet, you can easily create one at this step.
Alternatively, enter the password for your existing account.
Afterward, you can proceed to input your details. We collect them not out of curiosity; we need them to comply with all legal requirements and calculate taxes correctly. Depending on whether you are a company or an individual, you may need to enter:
Having all this information and considering your location, we can accurately calculate the tax for your order.
On this same page, you need to choose the payment method. Currently, we offer 2 options:
Instructions for using each of these payment methods can be found on separate pages.
Instructions for payment by Credit Card or through PayPal
Instructions for payment using an invoice
The last thing you need to do on this page is confirm your agreement with our Terms and Conditions. Without this, we will not be able to process your order.
Afterward, you can proceed to payment.
After receiving your order and confirming the payment, you will see this screen, and we will promptly send you a confirmation to your email.
At this point, you can track the progress of your order in your personal account on the Orders page.
Depending on the specific documents you requested, processing your order will take up to 4 business days. Once your documents are ready, you will receive an email notification and be able to download them on the Orders page.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at i-bvi@i-bvi.com, and we will be sure to assist you.
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