We will help you obtain information about companies from the Corporate Registry of the British Virgin Islands.
and hundreds of thousands of others
Requesting documents for a company is quite simple. First, find the company you are interested in, then select the documents you want to obtain and add them to your cart. After that, place the order, and we will start preparing them. You can find more detailed instructions on the «How to Order» page.
The usual document preparation time is from 1 to 4 business days. The timeframe depends on the type of document: a basic company report is prepared more quickly, while a certified document will take longer. Additionally, the preparation time is affected by weekends and holidays in the British Virgin Islands.
All information is provided in the form in which it is contained in the Registry of Corporate Affairs of the British Virgin Islands at the time of placing the order. On each document, the date of its preparation is indicated, providing additional confirmation of the data's current status. Additionally, the document may be certified or stamped.
Stamped document is an electronic copy of the document.
Certified document is a certified scanned copy.
You can view examples of documents on the «Services & Examples» page.
Shareholders and beneficiaries of companies from the British Virgin Islands are not publicly disclosed. The list of shareholders is generally not filed in the Registry of Corporate Affairs, but in some cases, it may still be accessible. Whether it can be obtained or not can be determined by examining the list of available documents in the company's basic report.
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